
Search results


290.000 €

2.437 € / sq.m.


Apartment - 119 sq.m.

Patra, Aguia, Achaia

Sleeping rooms: 3 - Living rooms: 1 - Kitchens: 1 - Bathrooms: 2 - WC: 0

ΣΥΝΤΟΜΗ ΠΕΡΙΓΡΑΦΗ Πωλείται σε αποκλειστική διάθεση σε ένα εκ των πιο προνομιούχων, σύγχρονων και ενεργειακά εκσυγχρονισμένων κτιρίων της Πάτρας, το διαμέρισμα (...)

290.000 €

2.437 € / sq.m.

Sleeping rooms: 3 Area: 119 sq.m. Floor: 1 Heating medium: Fan coil

# 2495


98.000 €

1.010 € / sq.m.


Apartment - 97 sq.m.

Patra, Agia Sofia, Achaia

Sleeping rooms: 2 - Living rooms: 1 - Kitchens: 1 - Bathrooms: 1 - WC: 0

SHORT DESCRIPTION Apartment for sale in the Agia Sofia area in Patras. Apartment area: 97 sq. m. Floor: 1st DETAILED DESCRIPTION Αpartment 1st floor for sale, surface area 97 sq.m. in a semi-detached house, in the area of Agia Sofia in Patras. The apartment consists of a kitchen, living room, 2 (...)

98.000 €

1.010 € / sq.m.

Sleeping rooms: 2 Area: 97 sq.m. Floor: 1 Heating medium: Petroleum

# 2494


1.100.000 €

5.000 € / sq.m.


Detached house - 220 sq.m.

Rio, Kuani Akti, Achaia

Sleeping rooms: 5 - Living rooms: 2 - Kitchens: 2 - Bathrooms: 4 - WC: 0

Πωλείται πρόσοψη επί της θάλασσα εξαιρετική μονοκατοικία 220 τ.μ. εντός οικοπέδου 1250 τ.μ. στην περιοχή "Ρίο, Ροδινή", κατασκευής του 2005 και ανακαινισμένο το 2017. (...)

1.100.000 €

5.000 € / sq.m.

Sleeping rooms: 5 Area: 220 sq.m. Floor: Ground floor Heating medium: Petroleum

# 2473


380.000 €

2.111 € / sq.m.


Detached house - 180 sq.m.

Rio, Agios Basileios, Achaia

Sleeping rooms: 3 - Living rooms: 1 - Kitchens: 1 - Bathrooms: 2 - WC: 0

ΣΥΝΤΟΜΗ ΠΕΡΙΓΡΑΦΗ Πωλείται μονοκατοικία στον Άγιο Βασίλειο Ρίου, συνολικής επιφάνειας 180τ. μ. εντός οικοπέδου επιφάνειας 700τ.μ. ΑΝΑΛΥΤΙΚΗ ΠΕΡΙΓΡΑΦΗ Πωλείται (...)

380.000 €

2.111 € / sq.m.

Sleeping rooms: 3 Area: 180 sq.m. Floor: Ground floor Heating medium: Petroleum

# 2417


120.000 €

1.176 € / sq.m.


Apartment - 102 sq.m.

Patra, Patra - Kentro, Achaia

Sleeping rooms: 2 - Living rooms: 1 - Kitchens: 1 - Bathrooms: 1 - WC: 0

ΣΥΝΤΟΜΗ ΠΕΡΙΓΡΑΦΗ Πωλείται διαμέρισμα σε προνομιακό σημείο στο κέντρο της Πάτρας. Εμβαδόν διαμερίσματος: 102 τ.μ. Όροφος: 2ος ΑΝΑΛΥΤΙΚΗ ΠΕΡΙΓΡΑΦΗ Πωλείται (...)

120.000 €

1.176 € / sq.m.

Sleeping rooms: 2 Area: 102 sq.m. Floor: 2 Heating medium: Petroleum

# 2393


125.000 €

1.404 € / sq.m.


Apartment - 89 sq.m.

Patra, Terpsithea (Pelekanos), Achaia

Sleeping rooms: 2 - Living rooms: 1 - Kitchens: 1 - Bathrooms: 1 - WC: 0

SHORT DESCRIPTION Apartment for sale in Terpsithea - "Pelekanos" area of Patras. Apartment area: 89 sq.m. Floor: 4th DETAILED DESCRIPTION Apartment for sale 89 sq.m. overlooking the sea in the area of Terpsithea - "Pelekanos" in Patras. The apartment consists of a living room with a dining room, (...)

125.000 €

1.404 € / sq.m.

Sleeping rooms: 2 Area: 89 sq.m. Floor: 4 Heating medium: Petroleum

# 2391


900.000 €

3.093 € / sq.m.


Detached house - 291 sq.m.

Patra, Peribola, Achaia

Sleeping rooms: 4 - Living rooms: 1 - Kitchens: 1 - Bathrooms: 3 - WC: 0

ΣΥΝΤΟΜΗ ΠΕΡΙΓΡΑΦΗ Πωλείται υπερπολυτελής μονοκατοικία πλησίον του οινοποιείου Αχαΐας Κλάους στην Πάτρα. Εμβαδόν οικίας: 291 τ.μ. Εμβαδόν οικοπέδου: 5.023 τ.μ. (...)

900.000 €

3.093 € / sq.m.

Sleeping rooms: 4 Area: 291 sq.m. Floor: Ground floor Heating medium: Fan coil

# 2361


260.000 €

578 € / sq.m.


Detached house - 450 sq.m.

Aigeira, Kentro, Achaia

Sleeping rooms: 3 - Living rooms: 1 - Kitchens: 1 - Bathrooms: 1 - WC: 0

ΣΥΝΤΟΜΗ ΠΕΡΙΓΡΑΦΗ Πωλείται μονοκατοικία στην Αιγείρα Αιγιαλείας Συνολικό εμβαδόν : 450 τ.μ. ΑΝΑΛΥΤΙΚΗ ΠΕΡΙΓΡΑΦΗ Πωλείται πολυτελής μονοκατοικία με συνολικό (...)

260.000 €

578 € / sq.m.

Sleeping rooms: 3 Area: 450 sq.m. Floor: 3 Heating medium: Petroleum

# 2345


75.000 €

664 € / sq.m.


Detached house - 113 sq.m.

Messatida, Obria, Achaia

Sleeping rooms: 2 - Living rooms: 1 - Kitchens: 1 - Bathrooms: 1 - WC: 0

Οικόπεδο 506τμ. εντός οικισμού Ιτεών στη θέση Ποτοβαγιά πλησίον Ιερού Ναού Αγ. Νικολάου Λεύκας άρτιο και οικοδομήσιμο. Τεχνικά χαρακτηριστικά: Δόμηση:400τμ Σ.Δ: 0.8 (...)

75.000 €

664 € / sq.m.

Sleeping rooms: 2 Area: 113 sq.m. Floor: Ground floor Heating medium: Current

# 2337


460.000 €

1.318 € / sq.m.


Sleeping rooms: 3 - Living rooms: 2 - Kitchens: 3 - Bathrooms: 3 - WC: 0

ΣΥΝΤΟΜΗ ΠΕΡΙΓΡΑΦΗ Πωλείται μονοκατοικία στην Παραλία Πατρών. Εμβαδόν οικίας: 349 τ.μ. ΑΝΑΛΥΤΙΚΗ ΠΕΡΙΓΡΑΦΗ Πωλείται μονοκατοικία, επιφάνειας 349 τ.μ. στην περιοχή της (...)

460.000 €

1.318 € / sq.m.

Sleeping rooms: 3 Area: 349 sq.m. Floor: Ground floor Heating medium: Petroleum

# 2336


292.000 €

1.749 € / sq.m.


Detached house - 167 sq.m.

Messatida, Thea, Achaia

Sleeping rooms: 4 - Living rooms: 1 - Kitchens: 2 - Bathrooms: 2 - WC: 1

Σύντομη περιγραφή. Πωλείται μονοκατοικία εμβαδού 167τμ εντός οικοπέδου 5,066 τ.μ. στην περιοχή του Μιντιλογλίου κατασκευής 2001, πανοραμική θέα και εδράζεσαι σε (...)

292.000 €

1.749 € / sq.m.

Sleeping rooms: 4 Area: 167 sq.m. Floor: Ground floor Heating medium: Petroleum

# 2302


150.000 €

1.807 € / sq.m.


Apartment - 83 sq.m.

Patra, Antheias, Achaia

Sleeping rooms: 2 - Living rooms: 1 - Kitchens: 1 - Bathrooms: 1 - WC: 0

SHORT DESCRIPTION Apartment for sale in the "Antheia" area of Patras. Apartment size: 83 sq.m. Floor: 4th DETAILED DESCRIPTION Airy and bright 4th floor apartment for sale, 83 sq.m. in the "Antheia" area of Patras. It consists of 2 bedrooms, living room, kitchen and bathroom. The apartment was (...)

150.000 €

1.807 € / sq.m.

Sleeping rooms: 2 Area: 83 sq.m. Floor: 4 Heating medium: Petroleum

# 2288


155.000 €

1.314 € / sq.m.


Sleeping rooms: 3 - Living rooms: 1 - Kitchens: 1 - Bathrooms: 2 - WC: 0

ΣΥΝΤΟΜΗ ΠΕΡΙΓΡΑΦΗ Πωλείται μερικώς επιπλωμένη μονοκατοικία, στην περιοχή "Παραλίας Πατρών". Εμβαδόν οικίας: 118 τ.μ. Έτος κατασκευής: 2004 ΑΝΑΛΥΤΙΚΗ ΠΕΡΙΓΡΑΦΗ (...)

155.000 €

1.314 € / sq.m.

Sleeping rooms: 3 Area: 118 sq.m. Floor: Ground floor Heating medium: Petroleum

# 2258


480.000 €

1.920 € / sq.m.


Detached house - 250 sq.m.

Lechaina, Agioi Theodoroi, Ileia

Sleeping rooms: 4 - Living rooms: 2 - Kitchens: 2 - Bathrooms: 2 - WC: 0

Πωλείται διαμπερής και φωτεινή μερικώς επιπλωμένη μονοκατοικία συνολικής επιφάνειας 190 τ.μ. με επιπλέον υπόγειο 50 τ.μ. στην περιοχή "Λεχαινά, Άγιοι Θεόδωροι", (...)

480.000 €

1.920 € / sq.m.

Sleeping rooms: 4 Area: 250 sq.m. Floor: Ground floor Heating medium: Petroleum

# 2244


1.100.000 €

3.537 € / sq.m.


Detached house - 311 sq.m.

Rio, Psathopurgos, Achaia

Sleeping rooms: 5 - Living rooms: 1 - Kitchens: 1 - Bathrooms: 5 - WC: 0

ΣΥΝΤΟΜΗ ΠΕΡΙΓΡΑΦΗ Πωλείται μονοκατοικία πολυτελούς κατασκευής, στον Ψαθόπυργο. ΑΝΑΛΥΤΙΚΗ ΠΕΡΙΓΡΑΦΗ Πωλείται μονοκατοικία πολυτελούς κατασκευής συνολικής (...)

1.100.000 €

3.537 € / sq.m.

Sleeping rooms: 5 Area: 311 sq.m. Floor: Ground floor Heating medium: Petroleum

# 2242


270.000 €

576 € / sq.m.


Apartment complex - 469 sq.m.

Patra, Zarouchleika, Achaia

Sleeping rooms: 1 - Living rooms: 1 - Kitchens: 1 - Bathrooms: 1 - WC: 0

ΣΥΝΤΟΜΗ ΠΕΡΙΓΡΑΦΗ Πωλείται κτίριο στην περιοχή του Γλαύκου στην Πάτρα. Συνολικό εμβαδόν κτιρίου 469 τ.μ. ΑΝΑΛΥΤΙΚΗ ΠΕΡΙΓΡΑΦΗ Πωλείται ημιτελές κτίριο συνολικού (...)

270.000 €

576 € / sq.m.

Sleeping rooms: 1 Area: 469 sq.m. Floor: Ground floor Heating medium: Petroleum

# 2233


160.000 €

3.200 € / sq.m.


Apartment - 50 sq.m.

Patra, Patra - Kentro, Achaia

Sleeping rooms: 1 - Living rooms: 1 - Kitchens: 1 - Bathrooms: 1 - WC: 0

The apartment is for investment and is located in a point of high interest with a facade and a view of Vasileos Georgiou A. square. It offers a return of 6% on long-term rental and over 15% on short-term and passive income from day one. Average declared income of recent years €23,000.00/year. (...)

160.000 €

3.200 € / sq.m.

Sleeping rooms: 1 Area: 50 sq.m. Floor: 1 Heating medium: Petroleum

# 2225


200.000 €

2.000 € / sq.m.


Apartment - 100 sq.m.

Ano Patisia, Kupriadou - Ano Patisia, Kentro Athinas

Sleeping rooms: 2 - Living rooms: 1 - Kitchens: 1 - Bathrooms: 1 - WC: 1

SHORT DESCRIPTION Apartment for sale in Ano Patisia. Apartment size: 100 sq.m. Floor: Mezzanine DETAILED DESCRIPTION Mezzanine apartment for sale, 100 sq.m. in Ano Patisia, built in 1982. It consists of 2 bedrooms, living room, hall, kitchen, bathroom and WC. It overlooks a quiet open area and (...)

200.000 €

2.000 € / sq.m.

Sleeping rooms: 2 Area: 100 sq.m. Floor: Entresol Heating medium: Natural gas

# 2208


430.000 €

2.688 € / sq.m.


Detached house - 160 sq.m.

Patra, Kastellokampos, Achaia

Sleeping rooms: 4 - Living rooms: 2 - Kitchens: 1 - Bathrooms: 3 - WC: 0

ΣΥΝΤΟΜΗ ΠΕΡΙΓΡΑΦΗ Πωλείται διαμπερής μονοκατοικία στον Καστελλόκαμπο Πατρών. Εμβαδόν οικίας: 160τ. μ. Εμβαδόν οικοπέδου: 341τ. μ. ΑΝΑΛΥΤΙΚΗ ΠΕΡΙΓΡΑΦΗ Πωλείται (...)

430.000 €

2.688 € / sq.m.

Sleeping rooms: 4 Area: 160 sq.m. Floor: Ground floor Heating medium: Petroleum

# 2200


400.000 €

2.105 € / sq.m.


Apartment - 190 sq.m.

Patra, Terpsithea (Pelekanos), Achaia

Sleeping rooms: 4 - Living rooms: 1 - Kitchens: 2 - Bathrooms: 2 - WC: 0

SHORT DESCRIPTION Luxury apartment for sale in Terpsithea - "Pelekanos" area in Patras. Property area: 190 sq. m. It has a parking space. DETAILED DESCRIPTION 190 sq.m. apartment for sale. m. of the 3rd floor and 4th floor in the area of Terpsithea - "Pelekanos" in Patras. The apartment occupies (...)

400.000 €

2.105 € / sq.m.

Sleeping rooms: 4 Area: 190 sq.m. Floor: 3 Heating medium: Petroleum

# 2198


260.000 €

1.238 € / sq.m.


Detached house - 210 sq.m.

Patra, Neo Souli, Achaia

Sleeping rooms: 4 - Living rooms: 2 - Kitchens: 2 - Bathrooms: 3 - WC: 0

Unfinished detached house for sale, 210 sq.m. in the "Patra, Neo Souli" area, built in 2010. It consists of 4 bedrooms, 2 living rooms, 2 kitchens, 3 bathrooms, while it is arranged on 3 levels. It consists of an elevated basement at the height of the garden of 90 sq.m., an elevated ground floor (...)

260.000 €

1.238 € / sq.m.

Sleeping rooms: 4 Area: 210 sq.m. Floor: Ground floor Heating medium: Petroleum

# 2191


98.000 €

1.043 € / sq.m.


Apartment - 94 sq.m.

Patra, Antheias, Achaia

Sleeping rooms: 3 - Living rooms: 1 - Kitchens: 1 - Bathrooms: 1 - WC: 1

ΣΥΝΤΟΜΗ ΠΕΡΙΓΡΑΦΗ Πωλείται διαμέρισμα στην περιοχή "Ανθείας" της Πάτρας. Εμβαδόν διαμερίσματος: 94,63τ.μ. Όροφος: 1ος ΑΝΑΛΥΤΙΚΗ ΠΕΡΙΓΡΑΦΗ Πωλείται διαμπερές και (...)

98.000 €

1.043 € / sq.m.

Sleeping rooms: 3 Area: 94 sq.m. Floor: Ground floor Heating medium: Petroleum

# 2176


375.000 €

945 € / sq.m.


Detached house - 397 sq.m.

Patra, Aguia, Achaia

Sleeping rooms: 4 - Living rooms: 1 - Kitchens: 1 - Bathrooms: 2 - WC: 0

Property code: 2174 For sale in a privileged location (facing a square) independent building with a total area of ​​400 sq.m. within a plot of 510 sq.m. in the area "Patra, Agia", built in 1980. Consists of: 1. ground floor shop of 168.93 sq.m. and an additional 35.50 sq.m. loftThe apartment (...)

375.000 €

945 € / sq.m.

Sleeping rooms: 4 Area: 397 sq.m. Floor: Ground floor Heating medium: Natural gas

# 2174


650 €

7 € / sq.m.


Apartment - 100 sq.m.

Patra, Patra - Kentro, Achaia

Sleeping rooms: 1 - Living rooms: 1 - Kitchens: 1 - Bathrooms: 1 - WC: 0

Ενοικιάζεται διαμπερές και φωτεινό διαμέρισμα, πρόσοψης 110 τ.μ. στο κέντρο της Πάτρας, επί της οδού Ρήγα Φεραίου και Πατρέως γωνία, στον 3ο όροφο με ασανσέρ, πλήρως (...)

650 €

7 € / sq.m.

Sleeping rooms: 1 Area: 100 sq.m. Floor: 4 Heating medium: Petroleum

# 2155


900.000 €

3.704 € / sq.m.


Detached house - 243 sq.m.

Eupalio, Skaloma, Fokida

Sleeping rooms: 6 - Living rooms: 2 - Kitchens: 2 - Bathrooms: 4 - WC: 0

A luxurious stone mansion of Maniatic Architecture within a fenced estate of 6,170 sq.m. which borders the sea and has a private beach. It consists of 2 independent houses on different levels, one with an area of ​​96 sq.m. and the other area of ​​147 sq.m. with covered semi-outdoor area (...)

900.000 €

3.704 € / sq.m.

Sleeping rooms: 6 Area: 243 sq.m. Floor: Ground floor Heating medium: Current

# 2146